With the start of December looming and Christmas just around the corner, it seemed like the right time to announce our next ALL STAR LEGEND - Invincible Volume 1: Family Matters from Robert Kirkman and Corey Walker.

Most would of heard of Kirkman's other book, The Walking Dead by now but may have missed his take on costumed heroes. One of the many strengths of the series is how brilliantly it creates a vast universe of heroes and villians that other companies struggle to fit in their entire lines. Couple that a good dose of teen angst surmounted with the awkwardness of newly acquired powers makes for an exciting first outing.
Walker's artwork compliments the story nicely, with a bright, colourful and dynamic approach that strongly finds a balance between the down to Earth nature of street level heroes and awe associated with super powered icons.
Same simple idea as last month, the ALL STAR LEGEND will be available for 30 days (or until stock sells out) at the discounted price. As this will be a limited stock promotion there is strictly "no holds" on the legend, first in, best read! No further discount applies to the book as it's a pretty good chance it will already be cheaper than the US cover price! The discount also only applies to the volume listed, not the entire series of trades.

If you have any questions, you know where to ask them. You can start to buy the Legend from this Thursday the 1st of December.
All Star Legends. The legendary titles of the highest recommendation.