Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Thanks to the wonderful folks at Activision we have 3 copies of the new Amazing Spider-Man game on XBOX to give away and entering the draw to win couldn't be easier! Since the game is set in the new movie universe, we are getting to see new and exciting versions of characters from the spidey-verse we know and love.
To enter the draw simply tell us which Spider-Man character you'd like to see updated in the new game and why.

To get a little inspiration, take a look at the trailer for the Amazing Spider-Man game here:

The giveaway is only open to AU/NZ residents.
Entries close 7pm Thursday the 5th of July and the winners will be announced Friday the 6th of July.
All entries will go into the All Star Barrel and winners will be picked at random.
The prizes will only be available to pick up from the store from Friday the 6th of July and winners must produce photo ID.

Again thanks to Activision and be sure to check out the new Amazing Spider-Man game, in stores from June 27th.


  1. Cardiac, because he hasn't been seen in yonks!

  2. The Punisher, Spidey doesn't kill, so a game where he has to stay one step ahead of a guy who does would be very interesting.

  3. Honestly none after looking at the trailer it looks AWESOME - im so buying this!

  4. definitely has to be scorpion as he could look alot more gruesome than the portrayal in the comics so far

  5. He's not as well known as some, but The Spot would be an awesome game villain! His interdimensional "Spot" jumping would make fights super interesting. Imagine shooting web-shots or throwing a cinderblock through one hole, making it fly out through another, like behind The Spot's head. It could be somewhat Portal inspired - and a fight in Spotworld would be crazy.
    Would LOVE to see that.

  6. I'd like to see a Christopher Nolan-esque reboot given to... Stilt-Man.



    Still just as useless.

  7. Venom! He needs to be done right.

  8. Yeah definitely Venom! Hate it when movies don't do characters justice!

  9. Hammerhead because he's ugly with a flat head, mean, looks scary in a trenchcoat and would look awesome on xbox.

  10. Venom - A character that is so dangerous to Spidey, knowledge is sometimes a bad thing!

  11. Although not as menacing as say Green Goblin or Venom, I'm going with Mysterio. The attacks and visuals are only limited by the imagination and the "fish bowl" quips by Spidey never get old.

  12. Green goblin they could do more with him

  13. I'd love to see Electro updated in the new Spider-Man game for some electrifying battle scenes!

  14. I think Venom could be given some really cool new ways to wreck havoc with Spidey

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. The Jackal! That guy gives me the creeps when he is done (drawn/animated) right. I like that he was in Web of Shadows but that game wasn't great. Wanna see him doing his thing in HD again! And he was in the Spider-Island comics last year, so it's not that much of a stretch. I can only hope.

  17. carnage

    he just looks so cool and he never gets much love in films / games

  18. Mary Jane - make her a brunette!

  19. Hammerhead....with strength and cunning in an Underbelly kind of way, he could organize a lot more 'koas in numbers' for Spidey to deal with!

  20. Electro!!!! Complete with big 80's star face costume! Get Mark Hamill to play him!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I think spiderman should have a big set of teeth!. These second rate opponents don't look scared enough of a red and blue 'tight wearing' superhero

    Gooooooooooooooo Spidey!

  23. Chameleon. Because seeing a new take on his powers would be awesome

  24. can't think of many female characters in Spiderman's rogues gallery so Kraven the Hunter's daughter I guess. Game looks a lot like a sausage fest.

  25. Jessica Drew Spiderwoman, hubba hubba, say no more :)

  26. Tombstone - super strength and almost invulnerable skin... Gives us a chance to see PP actually use intelligence and reasoning when trying to figure out how to beat him.

  27. I think Kingpin would make a great villain with the money and influence to send plenty of henchmen and super villains after spidey as well as being cunning enough to be difficult to locate and combat.

  28. Mysterio, definitely. A new, modern interpretation of him could be very cool or go very badly, but I remember fighting him on the original GameBoy so he's worth the risk

  29. he game received generally mixed to positive reviews from critics, who singled out the boss fights, destructive combat, original story and open-ended nature. However, the game's choice system received mixed reviews

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