With the new year upon us it's time to introduce you to the next ALL STAR LEGEND- Criminal Volume 1: Coward from the masters of modern comic noir, Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips.
With the release of the most recent Criminal volume : The Last Of The Innocent in trade paperback at the end of last month and the creative team's latest collaboration Fatale being an instant sellout recently, it seemed there was better time to showcase this brilliant crime book.

Brubaker's superb writing for the entirety of the series has the dialogue flowing seemlessly and naturally from the page sounding like the next award winning HBO crime show or a Raymond Chandler novel. The characters dwell in shades of grey as the types us upstanding normal folk would do our best to avoid if we ever walked past them on the street. Combined with the beautiful art of Sean Phillips this team creates a stark environment which reminds the reader of the gritty and dark corners of the world resulting in a classic noir in a modern setting.
Criminal is a must have for anyone interested in crime fiction or anyone just looking for a quality read. We could not be prouder to present this first volume of the series as our next ALL STAR LEGEND.

-Incognito (Icon)
-Sleeper (Wildstorm)
-Gotham Central (DC)
-Fatale (Image)
As always, the ALL STAR LEGEND will be available for 30 days (or until stock sells out) at the discounted price. As this will be a limited stock promotion there is strictly "no holds" on the legend, first in, best read! No further discount applies to the book as it's a pretty good chance it will already be cheaper than the US cover price! The discount also only applies to the volume listed, not the entire series of trades.
If you have any questions, you know where to ask them. You can start to buy the Legend from this Thursday the 12th of January.
All Star Legends. The legendary titles of the highest recommendation.
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